Poetic Journey in Personal Discovery

Posts tagged ‘new’

Paramount Reflection…

Mirror mirror, in the sky,
Show me, who I am through Your eyes.

Reflect to me what You see.
Heart… soul… strength…

Search me with Your penetrating gaze,
Into my inward hidden place.

All that You find pleasing to You,
Amplify in Your love and truth.

And that which You wish to refine,
Reveal and transform to Your design.

Grant me willingness,
Surrender and obedience…

©E.D. Allee
September, 2014

Dream Creation… (Writer’s Digest Poem A Day Challenge- Day 29)



The final Two-for-Tuesday prompt for this month is:
Write a realism poem. A poem that is rooted in the real world. Or…
Write a magical poem. A poem that incorporates magical or fantastical elements.

Rising to greet
The dreams in his mind
Awakening him from slumber

Asleep or awake
Tantamount realities
Draped in fantasy’s luster

Mysteries unfolding slowly
Eyes half opened and
Peering into enchantment

Novel surroundings
Created in his mind
Appear in connecting fragments

Weaving yesterday’s remembrances
With futuristic anticipations
He’s lifted to woven plains

Where blank pages lie
To offer up spaces
For forethoughts and remains

©E.D. Allee
April, 2014



To Love Again…


True love was always away from her grasp,
Always just out of reach.
Now he’s entered into her life,
And is sweeping her off her feet.

His smile, his touch, the kindness of his heart,
The feel of her hand in his.
She wants so badly to believe this is real,
Not a fear-filled impossible labyrinth.

But is this a fading dream she’s in?
She’s been hurt and loved in vain.
Her heart torn in pieces, black and blue,
Sworn never to love again.

She’s loving him with most of her heart,
Right now that’s all she can give.
Deciding with caution more every day,
She wants to be with him…

©E.D. Allee
April, 2014

Image: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-ZeZTCFBRsYQ/UWLe8bzViMI/AAAAAAAAAUk/CzYQGKGcA1E/s1600/in_love.jpg

Thought from Hazelden…

This post comes from a daily reading I receive from the Hazelden Foundation. Addiction treatment, recovery literature etc. It really struck me- maybe it will strike a couple of you too!


To use the past without being controlled by it — that is our responsibility to history. Because the past is irrecoverably vanished, it’s sometimes tempting to forget it or to falsify it. But being true to ourselves means being true to our history.

Past cruelties can remain powerful in our lives — yet to take possession of our history means to free ourselves of bondage to past events. Nothing can ever change them. If we are to make the future good, we’ll learn what the past can teach us. But our freedom requires us to make choices based on the needs of the present, not the past.

I can act at every moment in such a way as to honor the past and enhance the future.

You are reading from the book:

The Promise of a New Day by Karen Casey and Martha Vanceburg



Grow toward the sun.
Once planted, it’s begun.
New life springing forward.
Beauty progressing upward.
Warmth emanating.
Color cascading.
Lifting spirits high.
A floral lullaby.
Sorrow is left down below.
Happiness is in the glow…

©E.D. Allee
March, 2014

Image: http://chadever.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/uplifting-karen-scovill.jpg



From This Moment…


Today’s a new day.
Convinced the sun shines for her,
She begins again…

©E.D. Allee
March, 2014

Pic: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-L3Ii98iXt8E/UKgFLlN1XFI/AAAAAAAAIik/rvpGtDtLJT8/s1600/sad-girl-alone–feelings-broken-heart.jpg

To Be The first (photograph title)…


The first tracks in new fallen snow,
Once untouched and spotless.
Evidence of movement, of time’s passing,
Impressions upon winter’s alabaster garment…

©E.D. Allee
February, 2014

Picture courtesy of a great blog I follow:
The Obvious And Hidden, Fine Art Photography : http://theobviousandhidden.com 

You may check out their gallery at: http://theobviousandhidden.com/gallery/


Hurdy Gurdy…


I stumbled across a hurdy gurdy,
On the internet today.
And I’m not sure what I should feel,
Not sure just what to say.

How has such a gem been hidden,
From my eyes for all this time?
What else is out there I’ve yet to discover?
What else must I find?

©E.D. Allee
January, 2014

One Year Clean And Sober…



Three hundred sixty five days have past
Leading to a miracle I couldn’t envision
I once wished to end my life
To be free from two decades of prison

Shackled in bondage to an unrelenting master
A jailor spiteful and cruel
One who fed me to sustain my life
Only to prolong his rule

The years grew darker with time
The window to my cell got smaller
I knew little peace with eyes open
And my dreams were filled with horror

The illusory sense of peace
I once so craved and desired
Melted away into pools of necessity
With painted emotions and scribbled smiles

On the last day I used…
January fourth two thousand thirteen
I knew my options were to quit or die
A choice terribly hard for me

Death or life without chemical alteration
Finally live free from addictions’ chains
A decision perhaps simple for some
But I was terrified I’d fail at trying to change

I did choose life, leaping forward in faith
Holding only to a desperate desire
I’d failed many times before
Although my needs were always dire 

I dwelled in a dark abyss of my design
An abyss filled with a raging sea
Kept afloat by drink or drug
The very same which tried to drown me

I quit… I was angry, afraid, in pain, and shaking
Sick and weak, unstable in mind and emotions
Grasping to something I couldn’t see
Hopeless, alone, worn and broken

In time things improved, I began to let go
Of the grip I held destructively tight 
I became willing to get the help I needed
And gradually saw hope in sight

I had an AA sponsor by then
Cynthia, The helper I came to know
Addiction treatment and meetings
Began revealing alternatives to sorrow

I opened up to God, my higher power
I sought diligently to know Him once more
I learned belief was insufficient
My faith had to be restored

My abyss began filling the moment I stopped digging
Eventually I grabbed outstretched hands
The raging sea became an ocean of soft swells
And at that time healing began

One year later, far removed from that darkness
I reflect upon the trials and triumphs
I’m grateful I declined death’s temptation
By accepting God’s help and guidance

If only I had known back then…
I’d have told my broken spirit to hold on
I’d share with her what I understand now
Let her know hope exists upon new horizons
I’d cheer her on each day of success
Hold her hand with each falling tear
Tell her that life will not hurt so bad forever
And that one day she’ll be able to feel
She’d feel without the torment of ever increasing pain
She’d sit still in her own skin
She’d look people in the eyes, not down in shame
She’d break free from the demons within

To myself today I say
You’re a long way from that arduous start
One day at a time you’ve progressed
But you mustn’t ever stop
Stay close to God and continue seeking
So enlightenment you’ll find
Walk forward, using the past as a tool
Demons in wait, grow stronger in time
Know you can never open the door
To the world which once enslaved you
Be vigilant not to fall into the nets 
Cast as traps meant to undo

Way to go Elizabeth
You’ve achieved the seemingly impossible
I will write to you again this time next year
And report on the remarkable!

©E.D. Allee
January 5, 2014



Found in The “City of Sin”



My friends gave me two weeks

Said I’d die if I moved to Vegas

Part of me feared they were right

With their “friendly” vote of confidence


I’m still alive two years later

Clean and sober almost a year

I’ve learned it’s not where I go

I can grow where I’m planted, and I’m planted here


Looking down from up high

Framed city in sight

I see newness and hope

It’s here I learned to fight


Perhaps it’s ironic that I’d discover sobriety

Amid the temptations in the “City of Sin”

I choose, with God’s help, life’s path

True change is not external; it comes from within!


©E.D. Allee

December 2013




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