Poetic Journey in Personal Discovery

Posts tagged ‘mind’

So Many Words!

So many words,
In my head.
Not all of which,
Should be said…

So many words!
So many words!
In my head!
In my head!
Spilling onto screen and page.
Racing from my mouth in haste.

So many words!
So many words!
In my head!
In my head!
Disarming their own functionality,
As they exist superfluously.

©E.D. Allee
September, 2014

Dream Creation… (Writer’s Digest Poem A Day Challenge- Day 29)



The final Two-for-Tuesday prompt for this month is:
Write a realism poem. A poem that is rooted in the real world. Or…
Write a magical poem. A poem that incorporates magical or fantastical elements.

Rising to greet
The dreams in his mind
Awakening him from slumber

Asleep or awake
Tantamount realities
Draped in fantasy’s luster

Mysteries unfolding slowly
Eyes half opened and
Peering into enchantment

Novel surroundings
Created in his mind
Appear in connecting fragments

Weaving yesterday’s remembrances
With futuristic anticipations
He’s lifted to woven plains

Where blank pages lie
To offer up spaces
For forethoughts and remains

©E.D. Allee
April, 2014



Protective Vessel…


A glass vessel stalks his sanity,
Traps him in a protective shell.
Set adrift upon the ocean of his mind,
No navigation, no sail.

Unsinkable, dry and safe,
Able to rest with ease.
A Bystander in his own waking dream,
This prison is his reprieve.

To loneliness’ torment he’s numb.
He’s lived most of his life alone.
All the world offered him was pain,
This is now his home.

The doctors say the medication will help.
They will pull him back from his isolation.
From the fantasy world in which he dwells,
They don’t understand this IS his liberation.

Time will tell if the glass will break.
If the raging see will recede.
If his vessel of protection is broken,
Will he simply sink?

©E.D. Allee
April, 2014

Image: http://universalangelicview.files.wordpress.com/2013/05/gaiaprotectsme.jpg


Mental Residence…


I say it frequently:

“Ohhhhh to live in my head.
A fun place to visit,
But not a great place to live.”


Thoughts race in disorganized flight,
And have too few landing strips.
Clarity at times is fleeting,
Appearing primarily in blips.
My next steps are covered,
By the stretched shadows of blind leaps.
And open graves are created,
For my regret to sleep.


On other occasions it’s orderly inside,
Rapid thoughts are flying straight.
With only short necessary landings,
To connect easily at different gates.
New information is absorbed,
And it’s applied in my active life.
My decisions stand a fighting chance,
Of being well thought out and right.


The two do hang together,
Meeting at conventions and “Pub Brain”.
Strategizing, with one group dominant,
The Insanes versus the Sanes.

©E.D. Allee
March, 2014

Image: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-cKd9hSdi9GM/UFpTI2JrW7I/AAAAAAAACEU/5TkJDKB1kqw/s1600/brain-color.jpg





Coveted Silence…

Is it really you?
Nice to make your acquaintance 
Your true nature before me
Coveted silence…

Once you were
Heavy and overwhelming
Deafening sound
Giving way to torment
No peace to be found
I’d fill the stifling vicinity 
With polluted distractions
Trying to block my “quiet”
With false presentations

Can you hear that?
Void of chaos 
Desirable emptiness
The incessant chatter 
Has stopped for a time
And I’m not haunted by 
That which I’ve left behind

Your thick abrasive tendencies
Have faded some
And your once hidden nature
Is coming undone
My heartbeat is confined 
To my chest
No longer blaring in fear
While I’m at rest
You’re accompanied
by a sense of calm
The threats of the world 
Seem to take pause
Is this what others know?
Will I continue to unravel your power?
I never knew it was possible 
To quiet my mind at will

We have much to discover, you and I 
I hope this relationship continues to grow
I seek to stroll with you by placid waters
In sun and rain, wind and snow

 ©E.D. Allee

 December 2013
Pic: freedigitalphotos.net, Stock Photo – image ID: 1008694


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