Poetic Journey in Personal Discovery

Posts tagged ‘Children’

No More… Writer’s Digest Poem A Day Challenge Day 25

For today’s prompt, write a “last straw” poem. Everyone encounters situations in which they decide they’re not going to take it anymore (whatever “it” happens to be).

She held on as long as she could
Feet scarred from years of egg shells
Feeling the faint strength within
Increasing in vertical swells

For years she tried to live
Under a powerful radar
Knowing she could do no right
Existing inside a broken avatar

The last straw came
Like lightening ruptured her soul
When he hurt her baby
In a violent rage out of control

Pain had been reserved for her
She knew how to survive
She never felt worth a change
But one forbidden touch opened her eyes…

©E.D. Allee
April, 2014


Please Note: “she” is not Me. Thanks for reading.

Vivian’s Monkaroo…

Vivian has a monkaroo
That she calls banana.
Banana who?
You say.
Banana monkaroo!

He’s green like a lime
And white like cotton
And he eats orange flavored grass.

He hangs by his tail,
And jumps on one leg.
When I see him I can’t help but laugh.

He carries Legos in his pouch,
Wears red high tops on his feet.
He’s a silly monkaroo for sure,
But one you’d want to meet!

©E.D. Allee
April, 2014

White… (Writer’s Digest April Poem A Day Challenge. Day 19) Prompt: “A Color”


Draw a portrait of yourself,
They said when I was five.
Make it look just like you,
Blonde hair, brown eyes, and white.

The hair and eyes were easy.
But I couldn’t color hard enough,
For the white to actually appear,
And white is what they said I was.

Draw a portrait of yourself,
They said when I was six.
Blonde hair and brown eyes, easy,
I was given peach this time for my skin.
I loved the sun, and was actually,
More of a golden brown tan.
So questions about my color arose.
Inquiries about skin and race began.

There were portraits in many shades,
In class, others did just as I.
White, peach, black, brown, red
Nobody’s seemed quite right.

Today we all work from boxes,
Filled with more crayons than twenty-four.
And we know we can mix colors,
With the colors laid down before.

If I color myself brown I’m still “white”
If you color yourself brown, you’re still “black”
We’re all so much more than colors,
In a yellow and green cardboard pack…

©E.D. Allee
April, 2014


At The Sight of a Child…


I find it beautiful to see,
A person smiling spontaneously.
Upon the sight of a child.
Not at them so much as
Because of them…

©E.D. Allee
March, 2014

Image: http://ak5.picdn.net/shutterstock/videos/4337426/preview/stock-footage-cute-baby-child-passing-near-parents-lady-and-man-sitting-on-blossom-meadow.jpg


I’ll Paint You My World…


A paint brush in a child’s hand,
Aspirations without inhibitions.
Slightly directionless, yet intentional,
A joyous display of playful expression.

The feel of the brush in a firm little grasp,
The power to create at hand.
Each stroke births colorful purpose,
Imagination comes to life, bold and grand.

Through the eyes of a child,
Sharing their world.
I see a beauty contained within innocence,
Life filled with hope, and promise to hold.

I pray the colors they choose remain bright,
Selecting from God’s endless palette.
Continuing to create light, hope, and joy,
As they move within life’s canvas.

©E.D. Allee
March, 2014





Chalked Adventures…


Up, up, and away,
New discoveries await.
Fly with us today…

©E.D. Allee
March, 2014

Pic: http://coolmompicks.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/babychaserchalkart.jpg

In Your Eyes…


In your eyes I see,
A light which outshines the sun.
I see laughter and a playful spirit,
And many beautiful songs yet sung.

I see strength for life’s challenges,
And hope for the future.
I see a heart impenetrable by darkness,
And intentions good and pure.

I see dreams untamed,
Wishes upon fields of dandelions.
I see intelligence surpassing average,
And poetic stories filled with rhyme.

Natural gifts and talents,
Creativity and artistic desire,
A fighter for self-expression,
A life-force on fire.

I see a star filled sky,
With your own constellations.
Open canvases awaiting your brush strokes,
A multitude of colors to paint your aspirations.

I see so much within your eyes;
All you need be is you.
I’ll love you forever,
I pray you see what I see too…

©E.D. Allee
February, 2014

Dedicated to my step daughter, nieces, and nephew… With LOVE from Aunt “E”

She Believes In Unicorns…




Some say they live in myths alone, only in foolish fantasies do they dwell

Yet they exist so strongly in a child’s dreams and heart- that, belief alone, makes them real


She’s ventured far off, into a beautiful forest with descending leaves of gold, orange, and red

Oblivious to peril, her curious and adventurous heart followed the sounds of water ahead

Desiring to touch the cool waters, faster and deeper into the cumbersome woods she strayed

With the perceived comfort and safety her teddy-bear companion consistently gave


She encountered fallen trees, and playfully dodged downed limbs and rocks

Yet the suns’ quick fade escaped her recognition, and she unknowingly became lost

She was delighted upon arrival… the stream was everything she imagined, fast flowing, clear, and serene

And straight away she unleashed her toes and surrendered them to the stream


Although she was clothed for falls’ brisk air, with a jacket to keep her warm

The surrounding chill began to reveal itself in fury; shadows quickly outran the reach of the sun

The forest was still somewhat illuminated; the diminishing daylight was masked by the tall trees

So she naively held no fear within her heart that darkness soon would be


Throwing stones as big as her small hands, hearing the hollow clunk and delighting in each splash

She felt so much joy and contentment, while in perilous solitude she continued to laugh

Then as if in an instant, darkness consumed the shelter of day

And fear began to invade her once safe youthful play


She looked around in all directions; she knew not which way to go

Frantically she tried to maneuver the wooded maze crying out in search of home

Yet no one could hear her cries, as she was deep in the forests’ core

She was weary and fell to rest upon the foot of a majestic oak beneath the stars


Suddenly she heard a sound, frightening and unfamiliar

She opened her eyes and lifted her head to see a large, obscure figure

It looked just like a horse at first, but it was surrounded by light, and had a horn

Could this be, she thought to herself, my own fairy tale unicorn?


She stood up tall and unafraid with outstretched hands toward this beautiful being

And when she touched it, she knew a warmth and peace of which she’d never dreamed

The unicorn gently settled to the ground and invited her to follow

And that little girl curled up close, and stayed warm until morrow


She fell into a restful sleep enveloped by safety, with uninterrupted dreams of beauty, and love

Once she awoke, the unicorn was gone, but never the memory of


After a panicked search her parents found her alive and well

And she could not contain her delight as she shared her enchanted tale

Met with disbelief she nourished her gifted secret within her heart

Her hands touched faith manifested that night, and with that touch doubt fell apart


Angels, unicorns and the like were more than just characters in stories she was read

Confined no more to pages, they activated a child-like belief she’d hold forever in her stead

Beings described as myths, fantasies known only in dreams and stories

Came alive in vivid brilliance the night she was lost in that forest


No one could prompt her to lose faith in things unseen

She knew the hope of realized imagination; she knew the wakened dream

They were as real as the sky was blue and as warm as the flaming sun

And to this day, all grown up… she still believes in unicorns…


©E.D. Allee

February 28, 2012

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