Poetic Journey in Personal Discovery

Archive for the ‘National Poetry Month, prompts’ Category

Unsung… (Writer’s Digest Poem A Day Challenge- Final Day)

For today’s prompt, write a “calling it a day” poem. Some people might call this “Miller time,” others may refer to it as “closing time.” Just remember: Don’t call it a day until you put it in a poem.

Calling it a day
Before the day is done
Rushing into tomorrow
Before the morning sun

Unable to sit still
Unable to settle
A future on fire
From today’s candle

The distance traveled
Is all in the mind
An illusory existence
Of a machine, bending time

Calling it a day
Before the day is done
Negates the present moment
Leaving life’s songs unsung

©E.D. Allee
April, 2014

Dream Creation… (Writer’s Digest Poem A Day Challenge- Day 29)



The final Two-for-Tuesday prompt for this month is:
Write a realism poem. A poem that is rooted in the real world. Or…
Write a magical poem. A poem that incorporates magical or fantastical elements.

Rising to greet
The dreams in his mind
Awakening him from slumber

Asleep or awake
Tantamount realities
Draped in fantasy’s luster

Mysteries unfolding slowly
Eyes half opened and
Peering into enchantment

Novel surroundings
Created in his mind
Appear in connecting fragments

Weaving yesterday’s remembrances
With futuristic anticipations
He’s lifted to woven plains

Where blank pages lie
To offer up spaces
For forethoughts and remains

©E.D. Allee
April, 2014



Palatable Incriments… (Writers Digest Poem A Day Challenge- Day 28)


Settling into reality
From afar off
Distantly connecting to what is

A faint longing to resist
Knowing the impossibility
Avoidance painfully eclipsed

Settling in stages
Palatable increments
Are where my efforts can lie

But merging into acceptance
Is the only option
For my heart and peace to unify

©E.D. Allee
April, 2014

Image: http://www.betterphoto.com/uploads/processed/0822/0805262028431morpho_vortex.jpg

Addiction’s Beastly Riddle… (Writer’s Digest Poem A Day Challenge- Day 27)

For today’s prompt, write a monster poem. There are the usual suspects: zombies, vampires, werewolves, and mummies. But monsters can take any form and terrorize a variety of victims.

The monster’s in wait

He is always hungry, yet

Grows strong without food…

©E.D. Allee April, 2014

Summer Fun… (Writer’s Digest Poem A Day Challenge)


For today’s prompt, write a water poem. Life depends upon water, so there are any number of ways to write this prompt.

Little feet traipsing
Upon the soggy green
Blades of grass between their toes
Muddy earthworms, unseen
Bouncy, pouncy, springing forth
In the summer heat
Water oscillating
From garden hose stream
Rainbows created by
Suns’s strong beams
Laughter unrestrained
Children’s spirits set agleam

©E.D. Allee
April, 2014

Image: http://activewomom.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/sprinkler2.jpg

No More… Writer’s Digest Poem A Day Challenge Day 25

For today’s prompt, write a “last straw” poem. Everyone encounters situations in which they decide they’re not going to take it anymore (whatever “it” happens to be).

She held on as long as she could
Feet scarred from years of egg shells
Feeling the faint strength within
Increasing in vertical swells

For years she tried to live
Under a powerful radar
Knowing she could do no right
Existing inside a broken avatar

The last straw came
Like lightening ruptured her soul
When he hurt her baby
In a violent rage out of control

Pain had been reserved for her
She knew how to survive
She never felt worth a change
But one forbidden touch opened her eyes…

©E.D. Allee
April, 2014


Please Note: “she” is not Me. Thanks for reading.

Tell It To The Heart… (Writer’s Digest Poem A Day Challenge) Day 24


For today’s prompt, take the phrase “Tell It to the (blank),” replace the blank with a word or phrase, make the new phrase the title of your poem, and then, write the poem.

Tell it to the heart,
Which loves with compassion,
Striving to retain composure,
When the world around it’s crashing.

Tell it to the heart,
Struggling with each beat,
To stay strong
When it wants to retreat.

Tell it to the heart,
Alone in a prison of solitude,
In chains well polished
Each day like new.

Tell it the heart,
That won’t give up,
Until the flow of life
Gives way to death’s clutch.

©E.D. Allee
April, 2014

Above The Tangible… (Writer’s Digest Poem A Day Challenge Day 23)

For today’s prompt, write a location poem. Location could be physical–Or location could be emotional, psychological, metaphysical, or some other kind of word that ends in -al. Or surprise everyone!


Among the clouds
I drift away
Soft into the spring sky.

All that surrounds
Is the peace
Within my glowing mind.

Bird’s melodic verses,
Sifted by distance
Are companions to my ears.

The warmth of the sun
Blankets my soul,
As the tangible disappears.

Suspended by draping moments
Encapsulated by their own passing,
My heart beats in pace with serenity.

And suddenly I’m aware.
I will have to descend once more,
To a world abrasively consuming.

©E.D. Allee
April, 2014

Take Off The Dark Lenses… (Writer’s Digest Poem A Day Challenge) Prompts: Pessimism, optimism or mixture of two


What if I can’t?
What if you can?
What if I fail?
What if you succeed?
What if I am hurt?
What if you are healed?

Why are you always so down,
Filled with gloom and doom?
A spirit expecting the worst,
Things will turn out bad you assume.
Your life’s been hard in the past,
But the past lives in yesterday.
This moment right now is new.
Dark lenses bind you as a castaway.

I wish positivity for your heart and mind,
Life is filled with more light than you see.
But you have to seek it to find it,
Hope can set you free…

©E.D. Allee
April, 2014

Image: http://www.thebridgemaker.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/stay-positve.jpg

Sent from my iPhone

God’s Basics (Writer’s Digest Poem A Day Challenge) Prompt: Back to basics


God’s shaping me every day
Fundamentals of life are disclosed
In pieces I can grasp
As not to overload

Gotta learn the basics
To live this life right
To be who God wants me to be
So in peace I’ll abide

I’m tested on life lessons
If I pass then I advance
If I fail I can take the test over
I’m grateful He gives me the chance

When it comes to spiritual maturity
There are many developmental stages
While each requires effort and sometimes pain
I look forward to more of God’s “basics”

©E.D. Allee
April, 2014

Image: http://www.loveteaches.org/wp-content/uploads/Spiritual-Growth-_-high_expectations-Resized-60×35.jpg


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