Poetic Journey in Personal Discovery

Posts tagged ‘home’

Heading Home…



On the road that leads to home,
Anticipation builds with each passing mile.
Family just twenty-one “short” hours away,
Wider and wider grows my smile.

Blue skies, mountains, exotic rock formations,
My senses are on fire, surroundings fascinate.
Appetizers for the impending destination,
This road leads me home, and I can’t wait!

©E.D. Allee
April, 2014

Image: http://static.guim.co.uk/sys-images/Travel/Late_offers/pictures/2012/10/11/1349958793161/Lonely-road-in-Texas-008.jpg

Two Tracks Meet…


Where our two tracks meet
Merging as one.
That’s where you’ll find me,
Settled into our love.
No words need accompany us,
Our hearts speak a language of their own.
A language of love and beauty.
Where our paths combine, Is home…

©E.D. Allee
February, 2014

Picture: http://thumbs.dreamstime.com/x/two-converging-train-tracks-16533780.jpg


Without A Home…


To those without a home tonight,
The injurious frozen air shattering your humanity.
Please accept the warmth from my heart.
If only you could thrive on sentimentality…

Your cries go not unheard.
Your struggles are not unseen.
I admire your fortitude to persevere,
And face each new day’s unforeseen.

I wish you hope, in the midst of your storm,
Resources to sustain you.
I wish you strengthened faith in God,
And a happy ending of dreams come true.

©E.D. Allee
January, 2014



Missing Home…


Home you’ll always be
Your lone star bids my return
Texas holds my heart

©E.D. Allee


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