Poetic Journey in Personal Discovery

Posts tagged ‘connection’

As God…


I pray You help me see,
All people as you see them.
The beauty within their hearts,
Even when it’s well hidden.

I pray You help me look,
Past their stains and flaws.
To a soul born to search for light,
Make transparent life’s inflicted scars.

I pray You teach me how to love,
Even the ones who cause me harm.
Help me see their pain and struggles,
And grant them the gift of compassion.

We are all connected,
Each heart in a living symphony.
Intertwined into one fabric,
And it’s You that we need.

Please hear my prayer God.
I know it’s only You,
Who can unite and restore all hearts.
Help me see Your children as You do…


©E.D. Allee
June, 2014



The Beauty in Reconnecting…


I felt a glowing, yellow warmth
When we reconnected with a hug
Our friendship simmered while in absence
And was again fervently expressed as love

Your current pain and struggles
Meshed together with mine
We were the medicine
We each needed at the time

I’m so grateful I get to love you
That you’re joining me on my path
I hope I can be what you need me to be
As sands sift through the hourglass

©E.D. Allee
May, 2014

Image: http://souloftruth.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Hourglass.jpg


I Would Love You Still… Writer’s digest Poem A Day Challenge. Prompt: Love


I would love you still,
If we had never met.
I would love you still,
If we weren’t blessed to connect.

I would love you still,
If I never saw your face.
I would love you still,
If I knew not your embrace.

I would love you still,
If I’d never kissed your lips.
I would love you still,
If our worlds had never mixed.

Of all the potential misses,
Which may have kept us apart.
I’m glad I never had to learn,
To live life without your heart.

©E.D. Allee
April, 2014

Image: http://wallpapertoon.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/full-color-love-wallpaper-hd.jpg


Ivory Connection…


Stairway from heaven,
Upon ivory keys.
Delivering healing notes,
To a world in need.

Awaiting human touch,
A heavenly connection.
Access to God’s presence,
And His melodious perfection.

Stairway to heaven,
Upon ivory keys.
A fluid stream where spirit dances,
And soul receives.

Enveloped by Gods love in harmony,
With the hurting under oppression.
A concerto with angelic orchestra,
Creating sound which defies comprehension…

©E.D. Allee
March, 2014

Image: http://sagrisingx.files.wordpress.com/2014/02/digital-fantasy-art-wallpaper-1680×1050-10050141.jpg


Opening The Gift…


There is surface level clarity,
Grasping only at the finger tips.
Of God’s outstretched wisdom,
Idle, leaving unwrapped His offered gift.

Meditation upon truth, neglected,
Many unclaimed revelations.
A loyalty to the comfort of ignorance,
Freedom from accountability and obligation.

But there’s more…

The ease of living enlightened,
The light within the truth.
The peace of a deeper relationship,
With a God, who guides and renews.

Rough surfaces get smoother with time,
Avoiding, and escaping snares becomes easier.
If the gift is opened, and understanding is sought,
Through prayer, and in Gods Word…

©E.D. Allee
March, 2014

Pic: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-LCerPimKBAw/UjNFGQNTXuI/AAAAAAAAGqM/o_W4Q8IwCyg/s1600/narrow-path-sun-rays-a.jpg





A Connection To The Sea…


There is a shell beside me now,
I retrieved from the ocean blue.
I place my ear against its form,
Hearing the sounds of waves made new.

The air is laced with a delicate mist,
The wind is random and sporadic.
Gulls soar and dive with precision,
I know electric enchantment in the synaptic.

Individual grains of sand take flight,
Capsules of histories’ lasting imprints.
Evidential footprints untouched,
To be washed away by salty grips.

The feelings adrift within my core,
Align with the tides’ ebb and flow.
Calmness blankets my spirit,
Peace refreshes my soul.

I am wrapped in solitude’s stillness,
Safe upon the diminishing shoreline.
As I ponder things of old,
Swallowed by the sea over time.

©E.D. Allee
February, 2014

Pic: http://wallpaperswa.com/Animals/Birds/green_abstract_blue_trees_birds_2560x1440_wallpaper_34846ve


Old poem revision.

I Remember…

Everything Goes By...

Do you not remember, the last time we met,
When we sat and talked for hours?
Speaking our hearts unspokens,
Our views of the world becoming profounder.

Do you not remember our last embrace,
Godly energies exchanged?
Spirit to spirit, soul to soul,
An intimate interchange?

I do.

I long to know your embrace once more.
I long to meet with you again.
My heart needs to reconnect.
To revive the place I reserved for you within.

©E.D. Allee
February, 2014

Pic credit: http://theobviousandhidden.com/gallery/#jp-carousel-303

Picture from a blog I devotedly stalk! Can check out the blog with a groovy gallery at above link! 

Love Realized…

Expectations could not have prepared you.

Stories of romance pale in comparison.

Dreams of a lover yet unknown,

Proved to be inaccurate predictions.


Of the love you would find within them.

Of the fit carved for you alone.

You once thought your wait gainless,

Like expecting warmth of fresh snow.


Then one day you meet,

And finally gain access to the hidden…


In rapture at the sound of their voice,

Inspired and changed by the words they speak.

Renewed by the merging of souls,

Spending each moment reveling in the mystique.


Sometimes love is born of their eyes,

Guiding your focus to their soul

Where You dive in to that place of safety,

You never thought you’d know.


Hearts join among mirrored languages.

Dangling from conversational vines.

One hand free yet longingly reaching,

Identities intact, yet aligned.


And at one time, love you were lacking

Until the dream became real…


Dreams build anticipation, cause striving.

Based on lyrics developed in our hearts over time.

Lyrics, chalk-written by experience and changeable,

To reflect the truths we ultimately find.


What life unveils, and what we accept,

Each decision leading to or from loves’ door.

Blind leaps and gentle courting,

Living secure in the insecure.


Love unites minds and hearts.

Inspires emotions varied as shifting sands.

Hold tight to the love you know or desire.

Firm, in a flexible stance.

©E.D. Allee
 January, 2013

Love Together or Apart…



While apart we are together
A wormhole connects your heart and mine
There is no distance too far between 
No concern over space and time

Weightless we travel to each others arms
While in between,  dreams sustain 
Imaginings, fantasies, warm remembrances
Scenes painted with kaleidoscopic stains 

When together, the intensity of our shared energies
Ignites flames too powerful to douse 
Attempts to do so would be in vain
The feverish heat surmounts

And on lazy, extended mornings
While we lie together in bed
Holding each other gently 
In comfort and stillness, head to head
I pause and count my blessings
Knowing this love is a gift undeserved
Please hold my heart forever
And I too will forever hold yours

©E.D. Allee

 January, 2014



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