Poetic Journey in Personal Discovery

Posts tagged ‘dream’

Cloth Chained Memories…


Free soaring, anchored flight;
Tied to a tail of whimsical joy.
Willing servant to the wind,
To cares, an effective decoy.

Unaware of her rapid pace,
And frequently peering behind.
Glimpsing a sun-filtered silhouette,
Loosening string; a magical climb.

What memories will future years bring,
Of the once exuberant child?
Who flew red kites in the sand,
And inspired smiles with her smiles.

Grasping tight to soaring gem,
Which flitters as if trying to break free.
Connected by a cloth chain,
And a little girls’ dream…

©E.D. Allee
May, 2014

Image: http://www.visualphotos.com/photo/2×4824164/mixed_race_girl_running_with_kite_on_beach_BLD082598.jpg

Family… (Writer’s Digest Poem A Day Challenge Day 20. Prompt: Family)

Wish, dream, plan, and hope.

Expect with fluidity.

Love with acceptance.

©E.D. Allee
April, 2014

Sea Traveler…

Her playful spirit wonders,
Who might find her treasure.
How much time will have elapsed?
What will be of its adventure?

Within glass confines, is a message,
Wishing beauty and love to its beholder.
A bit of her story’s inside, to quench curiosity,
But much is left unwritten; it’s not all of her.

She imagines a handsome stranger,
A dreamer just like she.
One who will wonder about her,
Like she wonders about he.

©E.D. Allee
April, 2014

Image: http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/055/9/5/message_in_a_bottle_by_sagittaire12-d4qsu7p.jpg









Subconscious Warning?

This is based upon a dream I had last night.

Standing stable on solid slab,
Aloft undefined ground below.
Suddenly flat surface begins to slant,
Small seeds of fear were sewn.

Growing steeper and steeper,
I was shifted out of balance.
The tilt more and more threatening,
My security now, but a fragment.

Grasping to the upper edge,
My only link to safety.
Only one arm available,
My other injured beside me.

I was horrified and panicked,
Cluttered, indistinct destruction swirling.
Hand slipping, to let go meant to die,
Into an unknown I couldn’t see, an abyss blurring.

And then, all became still, upright, and stable again…

I discovered it hadn’t moved at all,
The person with me was confused, at best.
It was some sort of hallucination, I was told,
Suggested to have been triggered by stress.




Love’s Restless Road…


In the longing for love’s longing.
In the desire for quenched desire.
In seeking that which seeks to be found.
In wanting to speak the unspoken whisper…

It’s easy to compromise,
Just to be held.
To know a lovers touch,
Ignite the oneness meld.

The thirst for reciprocation,
The warmth of another’s embrace.
Companionship’s determined pressure,
Can cause one to choose in haste.

Love’s mere existence is purposeful,
There’s much to be gained.
While genuine and beautiful,
Love can wrongfully enslave.

Shifting intuition into chance,
A misplaced heart searching for forever.
There are benefits from love in all forms,
Learning through mandatory errors.

Perhaps enduring pain and abuse,
Horrors of loose humanity.
From the longing inside for love,
Interlocked with fear’s company.

Can we learn to wait?
Acting based upon faith.
Protect our irrevocable hearts,
And avoid regret’s infinite refrains.

©E.D. Allee
March, 2014
Image: http://fsa.zedge.net/scale.php?img=My80LzAvOC8xLTk3MjUwNTMtMzQwODM3Ny5qcGc&ctype=1&v=4&q=81&xs=620&ys=383&sig=8c5855842e9c13433a3b88108f70369aa9564571



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