Poetic Journey in Personal Discovery

Posts tagged ‘Art’


Scripture Art ~ Psalm 138:3


LIVE MIRROR… (Based on photo title from blog theobviousandhidden.com)

Photo Title: Live Mirror

Photo Title: Live Mirror

Live mirror…
Activated by the tears of momentary regret and hopelessness.
Spaces between are the clarity of needed renewal,
and the brilliant light of optimistic potential.
My crashing life held in tact by both the real and illusory branches of the shedding trees.
There is motion.
I am part of this moving ecosystem.
The rhythmic echoes sustain me.
The live mirror is life.
I am alive.
And I will move forward.

©E.D. Allee
October, 2015



A pause to enjoy,
The sustaining crystal flow.
Grasping a clear glimpse,
Of figures unknown.
Oblivious to stature,
In a world of such heights.
Created perfection,
With an instinct to survive.

©E.D. Allee
September, 2014

Artistic Connectivity…


Gifts combined, and secured by a bow,
Ornate wrapping underneath.
Creativity transforms inspiration,
Art waits to be unleashed.

Upon listening ears and open minds,
Scribing on the hearts of many.
Ideas, beliefs, dreams and emotions,
Transferred to those who look and see.

Limitless expressions from around the world,
Amazingly unique with little overlap.
How is it that we keep creating?
Thousands of years, only surfaces scratched.

I’m intrigued and delighted, excited and astonished.
We’re all connected through arts’ beauty.
What an adventure to collectively merge,
I with you and you with me.

©E.D. Allee
April, 2014

Image: http://grundtvigtoob.files.wordpress.com/2012/08/world_kicsi.jpg

Angelic Tiara…


Cloaked in alabaster,
Ornamentally arrayed.
Blessed with angelic beauty,
Layered, soft fountain display.

Unfolding into brilliance,
Luminous purity awakens.
Marching attire fit for a bride,
Patterns orderly and disciplined.

My eyes are enslaved.
Your spectacular design entrances.
As you gracefully glide to the melodies,
That inspire your ritual dances.

God’s creative hand formed you,
An accent shining through the dark.
Painted, a unique porcelain charm,
A masterful work of art…

©E.D. Allee
March, 2014

Melodic Simplicity…


The multifarious layers of sound,
Advance to my longing ears,
Permeating my soul,
Encapsulating it in an instrumental sphere.

A welcomed overwhelming,
Of senses raw and open.
Patterns visible in my mind,
Meandering geometric tokens.

Internal, immobile swaying,
Sense of coveted calm.
Manufacturing an experience,
Escaping into a comfortable numb.

Letting go has new meaning,
And I welcome the blurred reality,
A gem to hold, cherish, and employ,
Mental pause, Heart focus… Melodic Simplicity.

©E.D. Allee
March, 2014






I’ll Paint You My World…


A paint brush in a child’s hand,
Aspirations without inhibitions.
Slightly directionless, yet intentional,
A joyous display of playful expression.

The feel of the brush in a firm little grasp,
The power to create at hand.
Each stroke births colorful purpose,
Imagination comes to life, bold and grand.

Through the eyes of a child,
Sharing their world.
I see a beauty contained within innocence,
Life filled with hope, and promise to hold.

I pray the colors they choose remain bright,
Selecting from God’s endless palette.
Continuing to create light, hope, and joy,
As they move within life’s canvas.

©E.D. Allee
March, 2014





Chalked Adventures…


Up, up, and away,
New discoveries await.
Fly with us today…

©E.D. Allee
March, 2014

Pic: http://coolmompicks.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/babychaserchalkart.jpg

Feline Finger Painting…


Happy rainbow cat
A fingertip creation
Furry work of art

©E.D. Allee
March, 2014

Pic: http://fineartamerica.com/featured/finger-painted-cat-nick-gustafson.html

Art Begets Art…


The rainbow combines.

Art breathing life into art.

Heavenly brush strokes…

©E.D. Allee
March, 2014

Pic: http://www.abstractartistgallery.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/paintbrush.jpg

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