Poetic Journey in Personal Discovery

Posts tagged ‘creativity’

LIVE MIRROR… (Based on photo title from blog theobviousandhidden.com)

Photo Title: Live Mirror

Photo Title: Live Mirror

Live mirror…
Activated by the tears of momentary regret and hopelessness.
Spaces between are the clarity of needed renewal,
and the brilliant light of optimistic potential.
My crashing life held in tact by both the real and illusory branches of the shedding trees.
There is motion.
I am part of this moving ecosystem.
The rhythmic echoes sustain me.
The live mirror is life.
I am alive.
And I will move forward.

©E.D. Allee
October, 2015

At Times My Brain Is… (A Haiku)

My collection. Nelson, NV

My collection. Nelson, NV

Puzzling pathways
Disconnected unity
Enigmatic realm

©E.D. Allee
February 2015

Artistic Connectivity…


Gifts combined, and secured by a bow,
Ornate wrapping underneath.
Creativity transforms inspiration,
Art waits to be unleashed.

Upon listening ears and open minds,
Scribing on the hearts of many.
Ideas, beliefs, dreams and emotions,
Transferred to those who look and see.

Limitless expressions from around the world,
Amazingly unique with little overlap.
How is it that we keep creating?
Thousands of years, only surfaces scratched.

I’m intrigued and delighted, excited and astonished.
We’re all connected through arts’ beauty.
What an adventure to collectively merge,
I with you and you with me.

©E.D. Allee
April, 2014

Image: http://grundtvigtoob.files.wordpress.com/2012/08/world_kicsi.jpg

I’ll Paint You My World…


A paint brush in a child’s hand,
Aspirations without inhibitions.
Slightly directionless, yet intentional,
A joyous display of playful expression.

The feel of the brush in a firm little grasp,
The power to create at hand.
Each stroke births colorful purpose,
Imagination comes to life, bold and grand.

Through the eyes of a child,
Sharing their world.
I see a beauty contained within innocence,
Life filled with hope, and promise to hold.

I pray the colors they choose remain bright,
Selecting from God’s endless palette.
Continuing to create light, hope, and joy,
As they move within life’s canvas.

©E.D. Allee
March, 2014





Chalked Adventures…


Up, up, and away,
New discoveries await.
Fly with us today…

©E.D. Allee
March, 2014

Pic: http://coolmompicks.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/babychaserchalkart.jpg

Art Begets Art…


The rainbow combines.

Art breathing life into art.

Heavenly brush strokes…

©E.D. Allee
March, 2014

Pic: http://www.abstractartistgallery.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/paintbrush.jpg

My Serenity Spot…


A barbed wire fence,
Made its required effort to dissuade.
Silently I chuckled at the attempt;
I wouldn’t be stopped by man’s barricade!

I crossed the pointed rust with respect,
To avoid a painful penalty.
And I stepped into a dream I’d revisit at will,
A place of genuine serenity…

I had to descend a small unstable hill,
To arrive at the river’s edge.
Bible, camera and journal in tow (okay, and a little Mary Jane),
Prepared for when creativity and inspiration begged.

No matter the time of year,
Golden leaves bathing the water’s flow or green all around.
I would journey to commune with my river destination,
Where much of my true self was found.

I remember the feel of the cool waters,
The massage of the gentle, soothing rapids.
I’d close my eyes, surrounded by the suns warmth,
And for a time, all worries ceased to exist.

I never once felt alone,
Although solitude accompanied my escapes.
I knew comfort, peace, and effortless joy.
Therein, I felt sheltered and safe.

Medina is the name given that river,
Residing in small Bandera, Texas.
Most will never pass her way,
She’s a hidden gem, rare and precious.

I shared her with others at times,
Gifting their souls with a glimpse of her beauty.
Yet I often kept her a secret,
A place where God and I could meet quietly.

I ran there whenever I needed to feel,
Cleansing waters wash away life’s stains.
And was comforted to learn I could not taint her,
With my troubles and pains.

I simply felt complete acceptance,
In a sustained embrace filled with healing.
I watched as the water flowed ever forward,
Not backwards, never tarrying.

Nothing could touch me there;
I took leave from my tormentor, fear.
There I could rest, no longer wild,
In God’s serene and entrancing river.

I’m far away now,
Only memories and pictures remain.
I wish I were still close to her
So the waters could kiss my toes again.

Although distance separates us in the physical,
My heart won’t let me forget.
In my mind, I can cross the boundary,
I’d befriended in that barbed wire fence.

I follow the path to the place in my mind,
Where I once savored liberation from chaos.
And I’m transported by the nostalgic calm,
The world tries to tell me is lost.

I dream in brilliance upon remembering,
My beautiful “serenity spot”.
And I now seek to honor her priceless gifts,
By keeping her alive in my mind and heart.

February 2012

©E.D. Allee

Let the Words Flow Free…

If I try to plan my words
My heart will not be heard
If I’m reading from a script
Of me the words are stripped
When I think too hard, before I speak
I risk loosely dangling on truth I seek
But when I let the words flow free
Let them stream from within me deep
Authentic clarity is playfully exposed
Boundaries lose power, they cannot hold 

I’m not convinced all the words are mine
Maybe I’m simply to give them life
Perhaps there are people who need to hear
The words whispered purposefully in my ears
I am sure they are not all for me
The amassed verbal creativity
Neither the life force I’ve been given
Or this gift of sightless vision

I’m born of empathic, compassionate design
Which I learned to be grateful for, over time
When my heart seeks expressive deliverance 
I pray it speaks something that makes a difference

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