Poetic Journey in Personal Discovery

Her Poet…


She dreams in illuminated rhyme…
Words woven together in a rhythmic flow
Of unrestrained artistic expression.
The words that give her heart its beat,
And preclude her lungs from caving in.
She’s warmed by the gentle intensity in his eyes,
Drowning in their unspoken promises.
An inescapable desire draws her to him,
As he edits her story to unite it with his.

Their connected love language is lyrically branded,
She craves the caress of his every utterance.
A love affair of poetic proportions,
Inspiring harmonic transcendence.

©E.D. Allee
January, 2014

Picture: http://www.deviantart.com/art/Poetic-Inanities-278322550

Comments on: "Her Poet…" (18)

  1. OH! oh! Oh so entirely captivating and glorious. I love it, Love it, LOVE it 🙂

  2. Reblogged this on booknvolume and commented:
    Entirely Gorgeous!

  3. robertsonwrites said:

    Very delicate choice of words in this poem. Well done.

  4. Beautifully written!

  5. cpsingleton42 said:

    That’s a tender poem!! Well done!

  6. And your words always continue to embrace and dance into our hearts and minds…beautiful poem my sister! Blessings!

  7. Honestly JT said:

    Very well done.

    • Thanks. Got quite a few positive responses to this poem today. I plan to check out all the blogs that stopped by and read this post. Look forward to scopin yours when I can. Thanks again.

  8. Very evocative. Beautifully written poem.

  9. Now ya gone and made me cry! I’ve seldom read such sensitive statements of simple love, unencumbered by lust and possessiveness. Thanks for your gift.

🌻 I welcome your thoughts 🌻

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