Poetic Journey in Personal Discovery

Posts tagged ‘free’

I’m Here…

Look at me, see me
I’m strong and great underneath
Happy, joyous, free…

©E.D. Allee
September, 2014

Dance in the rain today… Poem A Day Challenge, Day 11


Poem A Day Prompt, Day 11: For today’s prompt, make a statement the title of your poem and either respond to or expand upon the title.

Dance in the rain today.
Revert to your youth,
And retire the adult.
Mind not what you wear,
Forget umbrella and coat.

Twirl around with abandon,
Arms raised high in the air.
Embrace the falling drops,
Get drenched without care.

Hear music playing within your heart.
Listen to the watery refrains.
We are not promised tomorrow so,
Dance in the rain today!!!

©E.D. Allee
April, 2014

Upswing, Along For The Ride!


Windows down on journey
Warm sun upon my face
Hair tangling in the wind
Concerns, but a trace.

Sky blue, with white cotton drops
iPod shuffle serenades me
Only happy songs allowed to stay
Feeling the high of a needed upswing!

How great to ride
Rather than drive…

©E.D. Allee
April, 2014

Image: http://cloud.collegefashion.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/fine-hair.jpg

In or Out Of Touch??????

I sometimes feel free, in an otherworldly pull,
A drag into slow motion.
Lifted from that which surrounds,
Connected to all that is.
Eyes seeking to remain closed,
Dreaming awake in full consciousness.

A pull I sometimes seek to maintain,
To merge, lean into with surrender.
Thoughts on pause, mind now filled with still light.
Peace…dare I imply?
Serene in a suspended moment?
So sweet, dry tears drift slowly by…

Music, entrancing,
Lifting me, transcending.
Insides soft and electric, aware of my presence,
A way to be high without chemical interference.

The music stops.

©E.D. Allee
March, 2014


A New Past…


I’ve said goodbye to yesterday,
Yet it diligently strives to resurface.
The past is behind me, far away,
This is an unwelcome resurgence.

I’ve learned much of who I am in God.
There’s much to learn still today.
Despite how I once was,
God’s not leaving me that way.

No matter how hard the enemy tries,
To convince me I am still “she”.
To whisper false beliefs to my soul,
I’ve come to know differently.

My past is a tool I can use,
To show the hurting they’re not alone.
I can finally say I’m grateful,
For the painful place God’s brought me from.

©E.D. Allee
March, 2014

Pic: http://letmereach.files.wordpress.com/2013/12/free-from-the-past.jpg



Free Your Love… (Haiku)

Let your love fly free,
Into a world in dire need.
Fulfill God’s decree.

©E.D. Allee
March, 2014

Pic: http://www.hdwallpap.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/heart_fly-normal.jpg


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