Poetic Journey in Personal Discovery

Posts tagged ‘change’


Ever hit one of these,

So hard your nose bleeds,

And u swear you won’t do it again?

You pick yourself up.

You dust yourself off.

And rev up the ole’ flame within.

You’ve grabbed no new tools,

You’re going faster than before,

And you’re head is straight up your ass.

Not a glamorous sight,

But appearance aside…

You’ve learned to fail with class!

The same brick wall.

The same barricade.

Will sanity ever win?

Perhaps you’ll bust it down,

Or maybe go around,

Or simply repeat… ad infinitum.
©2017 Elizabeth Dianne Allee

LIVE MIRROR… (Based on photo title from blog theobviousandhidden.com)

Photo Title: Live Mirror

Photo Title: Live Mirror

Live mirror…
Activated by the tears of momentary regret and hopelessness.
Spaces between are the clarity of needed renewal,
and the brilliant light of optimistic potential.
My crashing life held in tact by both the real and illusory branches of the shedding trees.
There is motion.
I am part of this moving ecosystem.
The rhythmic echoes sustain me.
The live mirror is life.
I am alive.
And I will move forward.

©E.D. Allee
October, 2015

See The Transformation…

See the transformation,
The change before the change.
The metamorphosis which will be,
When it’s the true you, you embrace.

Her ethereal existence,
Whisper of your tomorrow upon today.
Awaiting the steps of your journey,
Starting with one, your courage displayed.

You’ve been afraid to discover,
What’s destined to be yours.
Truths hidden by layers of facades,
Authenticity masked, hope obscured.

But I see her. Wings unveiled.
Through the hardships and mistakes.
To the light that already is,
And a dawn that waits to break…

©E.D. Allee
February 2015

Dedicated to a friend in a newly blossoming friendship… Angela
Wishing her beauty in self discovery upon her journey.

As Your Plan Unfolds…

I know not where You’re leading me,
I only know it is from here.
This place in which I reside,
Where all seems so unclear.

Your plan, Your will,
I seek with all my heart.
I place my faith in You Lord,
Understanding, I pray impart.

You’ve never let me down.
You’re always on time.
Sustain me in this trial,
Be with me as I climb.

All I have is this moment,
Help me obey Your leadings.
I trust Your plan is perfect,
Despite my lack if seeing.


©E.D. Allee
September, 2014

At The Jumping Off Place…

The jumping off place,

Pursued by familiar disaster.

Flames, whirling winds,

Consuming the ground

on which you stand.

No time to consider,

You’ve waited too long.

Close your eyes.

Take a breath and let go.

Through surrender

You’re transformed…

©E.D. Allee
September, 2014

Paramount Reflection…

Mirror mirror, in the sky,
Show me, who I am through Your eyes.

Reflect to me what You see.
Heart… soul… strength…

Search me with Your penetrating gaze,
Into my inward hidden place.

All that You find pleasing to You,
Amplify in Your love and truth.

And that which You wish to refine,
Reveal and transform to Your design.

Grant me willingness,
Surrender and obedience…

©E.D. Allee
September, 2014

“A Time to Mourn, A Time to Dance”… (Tales of new beginnings)

Snap out of it; it’s over
There nothing you can do
The self pity is strangling
Move on and start anew

You’ve fallen and it hurt
You’re a little broken and bruised
But you’re on track to succeed
Get focused in that groove

I write for catharsis
I write so others feel less marooned
I write to encourage empathy
For people not like you

I’ve been on pause to mourn
I’m shedding the feelings of doom
Time’s stood still long enough
I must reclaim hope and gratitude…
This is part of my journey. My mistakes and trials help me grow. Acceptance has been hard this time, but I’m still here. I’m still breathing. My heartbeat and my pain are evidence of life, and I owe it to God, myself, and those I love… To strive.

©E.D. Allee
May, 2014

New sobriety date: May 10,  2014

Change… (Form: Clarity Pyramid)


This poem was inspired by the following post: http://thepoetrychannel.wordpress.com/2014/05/09/soul/
By the awesome M. Zane McClellan. He writes some AMAZING poetry and is a great guy- check him out. This form is called a Clarity Pyramid poem. His post has a link to a good source on the style. Hope you all are well.


Choose life

Move forward

Grasp tightly to hope
Exist in the moment
Avoid negative voices

“Discover your soul in full-bloom”

©E.D. Allee
May, 2014

Image: http://www.soulinbloom.net/Soul_in_Bloom/Home_files/shapeimage_3.png

Palatable Incriments… (Writers Digest Poem A Day Challenge- Day 28)


Settling into reality
From afar off
Distantly connecting to what is

A faint longing to resist
Knowing the impossibility
Avoidance painfully eclipsed

Settling in stages
Palatable increments
Are where my efforts can lie

But merging into acceptance
Is the only option
For my heart and peace to unify

©E.D. Allee
April, 2014

Image: http://www.betterphoto.com/uploads/processed/0822/0805262028431morpho_vortex.jpg

God’s Basics (Writer’s Digest Poem A Day Challenge) Prompt: Back to basics


God’s shaping me every day
Fundamentals of life are disclosed
In pieces I can grasp
As not to overload

Gotta learn the basics
To live this life right
To be who God wants me to be
So in peace I’ll abide

I’m tested on life lessons
If I pass then I advance
If I fail I can take the test over
I’m grateful He gives me the chance

When it comes to spiritual maturity
There are many developmental stages
While each requires effort and sometimes pain
I look forward to more of God’s “basics”

©E.D. Allee
April, 2014

Image: http://www.loveteaches.org/wp-content/uploads/Spiritual-Growth-_-high_expectations-Resized-60×35.jpg


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