Poetic Journey in Personal Discovery

Posts tagged ‘holy spirit’

Seek From Within…


Look within,
What you seek is there.
Awaiting discovery,
To meet you at “truly aware”.

You’re always looking to the world,
To quench your desire for peace.
From the noise and chatter,
Finding only temporary relief.

You already have all you need,
The fruit of The Spirit is ever present.
Joy, peace, and self control,
Illuminated opalescence.

Until the world’s illusory solutions,
Are abandoned for the truth inside.
Your peace will remain surface-affixed,
Internal endowments offer a peace…infinitely multiplied.

©E.D. Allee
March, 2014

Pic: http://www.deviantart.com/art/Inner-Peace-343617927

Illuminated Moment…


Flickering glow, circular ceiling projection,
Light piercing the darkened room.
Soft flames filled with warmth,
Dancing with the music’s melodic tune.

Enhancing the moment,
Absorbing emotions to purify.
Negativity, and fear subjected to fire,
Pain burned to indemnify.

A trinity of light to anchor,
Honoring The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Accompanying me in the moment I know,
True light and warmth, ever present…

©E.D. Allee
March, 2014




Walking In The Spirit…


If I’m to walk in the spirit,
I have to take steps in faith.
It’s easy to remain stagnant,
A slave to my self-centered ways.

I must be tuned in,
Listening for the still, quiet voice.
Which leads me on the narrow path,
And buffers against worldly noise.

While the spirit voice always speaks,
I sometimes attempt to ignore.
Hands on ears “la-la-la-la-la-la-la”,
A sad scene for sure.

At times, the darkness I embrace,
Pours acid on my soul.
Muffles the voice of the spirit,
Making it less recognizable.

I get caught up in self will,
Seeking only that which I desire.
I try to make my steps my own,
And often walk straight into fire.

To do the “next right thing”,
I must obey Holy Spirit promptings.
An obedience I cannot adhere to,
While entertaining enemy tauntings.

©E.D. Allee
February, 2014

Pic: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/08/20/introverts-signs-am-i-introverted_n_3721431.html


The Spirit Within…


“God shots” often arise from seemingly nowhere

Imparting enlightenment if I’m open to receive them

Meant to instruct, guide, and empower

They take my breath away time and again

When in pause, I can recall many times

I’ve received these serendipitous gifts of hope

Reminders that God’s working in my life

I know I’m not alone

I do believe we find that for which we seek

I’m grateful I seek after a loving God

And that He reveals Himself to me

The Holy Spirit within

Fills me with love and light

There’s a still, small voice I detect

Leading me through this life

Amazing wonders I’ve known

I discount the notion of coincidence

Pieces are connected from my past to today

I follow crumbs laid to lead me in each step

God’s growing me up

Teaching me what He wishes me to know

I’m looking, I’m listening

I’m thirsty for spiritual growth

My active addictions blotted out

The sunlight of The Spirit

Like dark, stationary clouds

Creating a divide and distance

God was always there

He never left my side

But I felt I couldn’t look at Him

And tried in vain to hide

I see my life now

How far I’ve come from where I’ve been

I’m less regretful of the past

I’ve gained much knowledge from the many lessons

I ask myself today

If I wished things had been different

And strange as it seems for me to say

I’m grateful for the experiences that contributed to who I am

And I am grateful to my loving God, for never letting go of my hand…

 ©E.D. Allee

 November 2013


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