Poetic Journey in Personal Discovery

I’m Here…

Look at me, see me
I’m strong and great underneath
Happy, joyous, free…

©E.D. Allee
September, 2014

Comments on: "I’m Here…" (4)

  1. what a happy face, this made me smile so big:) happy words, happy smiles!!!

  2. When I see these little “third world” guys and gals I think of the few whom missionaries have educated, who go on to post secondary education in the US, England and, France and become doctors, engineers and scientists. Most of them have to work two or three jobs while attending classes, and still they won’t give up.

    To give you some idea of how low western culture was in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, most of our ancestors didn’t consider black people to be fully human beings; I’m talking about educated, professional people. Now we vilify people from the mid-east who wear facial hair. Thinking they’re all terrorists, we treat them as such. This should not be true of Christ-followers; Jesus told us to love our enemies, and pray for those who despitefully use us.

    Guess I’ll climb down from my soapbox. All that from a picture of a smiling little black child.

    • This one got ya thinkin huh? I’m glad. It did command inspiration and contemplation. I wish beautiful things for this little guy! His spirit appears full of light- as much as I can gain from a photograph. Thank you for your thoughts. 🌞

🌻 I welcome your thoughts 🌻

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