Poetic Journey in Personal Discovery

Experience The Moment…

Grand Canyon at Sunset, my collection.

Grand Canyon at Sunset, my collection.

Look with your eyes,
Not through lens alone.
Photographing memories,
Your meant to experience and know.

Excitement manifests itself,
In focuses, zooms and clicks.
All the while you record the moments,
You will actually miss…

©E.D. Allee
October, 2014

Comments on: "Experience The Moment…" (6)

  1. You are right, we spend so much time trying to get the perfect picture that we miss the real beauty that lies right before us. Wonderful piece.

    • Right?! I’m so bad about this. It’s difficult to put down the camera. Even when I try! But, I’m getting better. True test would be to leave my phone and camera in the vehicle! But, awareness is a huge step in the direction of change. Thanks for reading. Peace to you.

  2. Stunning in both words and vision E. Bravo!!

  3. A hard truth, beautifully stated. I could take the thought one step further: We spend so much time and effort hoping, working toward, and trying to enjoy experiences that we miss the simple pleasure of being joyful.

    • The effort, working toward, and trying can produce expectations which aren’t in line with God’s plan for the experience. Being joyful is an ideal to strive for- minus the excessive planning! Way to make me stretch my thinking.

🌻 I welcome your thoughts 🌻

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