Poetic Journey in Personal Discovery

Swing and Tree…


Swing and tree
Friends, and company
Sharing the same memories
Dreaming the same dreams
Working collectively
With trust and loyalty
Through seasons, changing
In trials and storms, enduring
Destined to be swing and tree
Throughout their eternity…

©E.D. Allee
April, 2014

Image, permission granted by fellow wordpress blogger: http://theobviousandhidden.com/2014/04/01/it-is-good-there-where-we-are-not/


Comments on: "Swing and Tree…" (4)

  1. I, too, love thinking about objects holding memories. Great concept presented in this poem.

  2. katherine perry said:

    Dear ED….I love this poem. It brings tears to my eyes because it reminds me of the relationship I had with my husband of 33 years. Wow, I can’t believe it. This is `Lilly’

🌻 I welcome your thoughts 🌻

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