Poetic Journey in Personal Discovery

Posts tagged ‘Gift’

Hope In Light…

Protecting your light
To share with a hurting world
Breathes life into hope

©E.D. Allee
September, 2014

God’s Love “Rains”…

God’s love descending.
Never ending.
Like drops of rain
Bathed in streams of light
From starry nights.
Cannot define.
Cannot contain.
God’s Love exists
In the limitless.
In realms of incomprehension.
Embraced by open hearts,
Nourished, treasured, shared.
God is love. (1 John 4:8)
Love’s touch is life.

Shower me.
Let it rain.
Until anger and hate
Are cleansed and replaced,
By Your life giving flow
Of agape.
Your eternal perfection
Teaching me,
Each moment,
How You’d have me be
To distribute the light
Gifted by You,
With the power of The Trinity

June, 2014

God’s Love…


He can’t love me any more,
Than He loves me right now.
He’ll never love me any less,
Though it’s hard to know just how.

God’s love is perfect,
Lacking not a thing.
And I, as His child,
Need only to receive.

©E.D. Allee
May, 2014

Image: http://evans-politics.com/images/perfect_double_rainbow_500px.jpg

I Would Love You Still… Writer’s digest Poem A Day Challenge. Prompt: Love


I would love you still,
If we had never met.
I would love you still,
If we weren’t blessed to connect.

I would love you still,
If I never saw your face.
I would love you still,
If I knew not your embrace.

I would love you still,
If I’d never kissed your lips.
I would love you still,
If our worlds had never mixed.

Of all the potential misses,
Which may have kept us apart.
I’m glad I never had to learn,
To live life without your heart.

©E.D. Allee
April, 2014

Image: http://wallpapertoon.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/full-color-love-wallpaper-hd.jpg


Artistic Connectivity…


Gifts combined, and secured by a bow,
Ornate wrapping underneath.
Creativity transforms inspiration,
Art waits to be unleashed.

Upon listening ears and open minds,
Scribing on the hearts of many.
Ideas, beliefs, dreams and emotions,
Transferred to those who look and see.

Limitless expressions from around the world,
Amazingly unique with little overlap.
How is it that we keep creating?
Thousands of years, only surfaces scratched.

I’m intrigued and delighted, excited and astonished.
We’re all connected through arts’ beauty.
What an adventure to collectively merge,
I with you and you with me.

©E.D. Allee
April, 2014

Image: http://grundtvigtoob.files.wordpress.com/2012/08/world_kicsi.jpg

I Do Know Serenity…

I feel her upon my awakenings,
She rests through the night by my side.
She senses when I am sad,
And stays close with watchful eyes.

Peaceful, comforting, and loyal,
The serenity I’m blessed to know
I asked for “God to grant me”,
And He made it so…

©E.D. Allee
March, 2014

My cat Serenity- her name suits her!


Opening The Gift…


There is surface level clarity,
Grasping only at the finger tips.
Of God’s outstretched wisdom,
Idle, leaving unwrapped His offered gift.

Meditation upon truth, neglected,
Many unclaimed revelations.
A loyalty to the comfort of ignorance,
Freedom from accountability and obligation.

But there’s more…

The ease of living enlightened,
The light within the truth.
The peace of a deeper relationship,
With a God, who guides and renews.

Rough surfaces get smoother with time,
Avoiding, and escaping snares becomes easier.
If the gift is opened, and understanding is sought,
Through prayer, and in Gods Word…

©E.D. Allee
March, 2014

Pic: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-LCerPimKBAw/UjNFGQNTXuI/AAAAAAAAGqM/o_W4Q8IwCyg/s1600/narrow-path-sun-rays-a.jpg





To James: You Will Be Missed…

You’ve been instrumental,
In helping me to change.
Many have tried before,
But I always remained the same.

You helped me open my eyes,
When I didn’t even know they were shut.
Exposing the falsities I’d subscribed to,
As destructive and corrupt.

You showed me there’s a different way,
To live this life I’ve been given.
That existing needn’t be such a struggle,
And I can escape my self-made prison.

You sold me hope with love,
In exchange for surrender.
Convincing me there’s a better way,
Than my adopted misadventures.

You laid out a map of sorts,
Leading to a different life.
And you showed me some tools,
To help me live it right.

You saw things in me,
Things I couldn’t see or understand.
I didn’t even know to look,
For the devil’s contraband.

You’ve touched so many lives,
And I know you’ll touch many more.
I wish you success and blessings,
As you walk through new doors.

You’ll always hold a special place,
Deep within my heart.
A place reserved by God Himself,
One for you He specifically carved.

Know you’ve made an impact,
That you are a strong light in darkness.
I pray you continue your crusade with vigor,
And fulfill your God-assigned purpose…

©E.D. Allee
February, 2014

This is dedicated to a man who helped me change my life through recovery from drugs and alcohol.  I, as an alumni of the treatment program I was in, have been able to revisit his lectures two days a week.  He will be moving on to another position now. He will be missed. 

A Gift of Love in Bloom…


This rose is not red
It doesn’t have a long stem
But there is no question
Of its romantic intent
It’s given in kindness
It comes from love
With wishes of beauty
And kisses and hugs

©E.D. Allee
February, 2014

pics:from my collection


A Poet’s Passion…


Untamed, unfiltered, unbound,
Seeking expression upon void canvases.
Coloring a world within an ornate frame,
Embellishing life with elegant song and dance.

Emotions unfiltered, internal truths revealed,
Romantic strings strummed upon the heart.
Echoes of times past and to come,
Mirroring the surrounding world through art.

A flame, an inferno,
Producing immense heat.
Which scorches frozen souls,
With the warmth they crave and need.

No cap, no max, no attempts to bind,
A voice lubricated by inhibition.
Unwinding in a flow of erupted energy,
Feeding on inspiration’s gifted nutrition.

Poetry is the medium,
Which intently selects it’s vessel.
Received with acceptance or not,
A poet’s passion cannot be quelled!

©E.D. Allee
February, 2014



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